Varicose Ulcer - Description and treatment

Do you suffer from chronic venous insufficiency? Pay close attention to microvarices on your legs. They can progress and change into varicose veins accompanied by changes to pigmentation. Even minor injuries to the skin can lead to varicose ulcer. The newly emerged injury often serves as an entry way to infection. This can seriously complicate your health.

Warning:Do not use this or any other article on the internet to diagnose yourself. Only physicians can correctly diagnose patients. Do not postpone seeing your physician to resolve your health issues in time.

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Varicose ulcer description of diagnosis and treatment
Obrázek : Varicose Ulcer

Characteristics of Varicose Ulcer and its causes

Varicose Ulcers are a serious condition, which require immediate intervention. A varicose ulcer is a condition where skin on the shin is chronically damaged. The shin is the area on the front of the lower leg between the knee and ankle.  

A varicose ulcer is a complication with chronic venous insufficiency, where the mechanism of venous return is disrupted. This leads to a serious decrease of oxygenated blood circulation in the limbs, and also insufficient levels of oxygen and nutrients required for proper tissue function.

Are you in danger of suffering from varicose ulcer too?

Causes can be found in lifestyle. People with sedentary jobs, or who lack in exercise, obese people, smokers and women using contraceptive pills are all in danger.

Varicose ulcers can form based on varices, hypertension, diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis and other system diseases.

Are you endangered based on your weight?

Calculate your BMI. BMI can be calculated easily by putting your figures into the formula: weight in kilograms / (height in metres x height in metres). If your resulting number is above 30, start taking preventative measures.

Varicose Ulcer treatment – rid yourself of the pain

Treatment of varicose ulcer is based on preventing its formation, especially by improving blood perfusion, eliminating infection and encourage healing of tissue.

Treatment may include:

  • medicaments (to improve vascular walls, vasodilation and anti-aggregant treatment,
  • surgery (standard operation or mini-invasive procedure).

What helps against varicose ulcer?

Defects are treated locally, utilising wound-healing methods, which includes moist wound-healing and physical treatment methods.

Regular physical activity with the goal to improve micro-circulation, supply of oxygenated blood and nutrients into the hypodermis, muscles and other tissues are important.

  • Varices of lower limbs – varicose veins.
  • Hypertension – high blood pressure.
  • Venous return – return of blood from capillaries through veins back to the heart, the amount of blood flowing to the heart in a time unit.

Within the rehabilitation treatment, low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy has its place in treating some symptoms of varicose ulcers as it utilises the vasodilating, analgesic and healing effects with the support of anti-inflammatory effect.

It does not affect dilation of medium and large arteries but significantly improves microcirculation of oxygenated blood in the affected areas of the limb through the vasodilating effect targeting capillaries and pre-capillaries. It rejuvenates the limb at all depths, supresses inflammatory processes and pain, accelerates healing of damaged tissue and helps bring general relief.

Home applications are a huge convenience which allows the patient to continue intensive rehabilitation at home, out of hospital facilities.

The possibility of a secondary, long-term preventative and maintenance treatment from the first signs of the disease is a benefit, along with long-term daily applications with the goal of bringing relief and maintaining acceptable health for the patient.


Doctors and our other clients use Biomag pulse therapy for these conditions and issues

Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • poor blood perfusion
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • inflammation